FPS and Bank deposit payment option at testing stage
We are testing FPS and and bank deposit payment options for online payment options. You can now choose "FPS轉數快/bank deposit 銀行入數" option at checkout payment option. Please find payment details in below. Please complete the payment within 24 hours after placing the order and 24 hours before delivery/pick up, please email the transaction record to shop@modaflorahk.com. Testing may terminate anytime without further notice.
本網站正進行系統則試,於結賬時提供「轉數快及銀行入數」付款選項。請於下訂單後24小時內及出貨前24小時前安排付款,並將入數記綠電郵至shop@modaflorahk.com. 測試進行中可能會任何時候終止選項,不作另行通知。
FPS 轉數快:
Bank deposit 銀行入數
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
HKD: 01269910188864